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Call for Proposals

The ADHA25 Annual Conference will be held in Long Beach, CA, October 4-6, 2025. This is an extraordinary opportunity for dental hygienists to engage in exceptional formal and informal learning experiences that help to advance their own professional development, improve patient care, and offer insights into the latest developments and trends in dental hygiene. 

Click Here to Start Your Submission Now!

ADHA is seeking education proposals for consideration for the ADHA25 Annual Conference.
The proposed education should be founded in sound adult learning principles and reflect evidenced-based, cutting-edge thinking informed by current theory, research and practice.  

With the objective of delivering the utmost learning experience for all conference attendees, ADHA reviewers may give preference may to proposals that are positioned to deliver a balanced mix of the following: 



Education Tracks

As you develop your proposal, please consider the following six topic areas or tracks that align best with your content. For details on these topic areas see About the Education.

Honorarium Information

ADHA offers a pre-set travel stipend/honorarium compensation package for ADHA25 Annual Conference-accepted lectures and hands-on sessions, as follows:  

Proposal Process & Selection Criteria

1.    Peer Reviewers
Members of ADHA are in the best position to inform the association of what attendees want to see at their annual conference. Therefore, ADHA supports an ad hoc CE Peer Review group to act as peer reviewers for all received proposal submissions. CE Peer Reviewers review sessions that fall into their primary and secondary areas of expertise (clinical, public health, education, research, professional development). Proposals are evaluated on each of the following criteria:
2.    ADHA Staff
We pride ourselves as an organization employing some of the best and most qualified staff in the association industry, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences for producing high quality conferences. Staff utilize feedback from the CE Peer Reviewers to develop the conference schedule and identify content gaps.

Click Here to Start Your Submission Now!
Deadline for submissions: January 17, 2025.


Please contact the ADHA Education team at